Thank You!

When I launched my campaign for Congress in Virginia’s First District earlier this year, I never expected to build a movement like the one we did. I didn’t know that so many folks from all walks of life would stand behind me in this fight for our district, our rights, and our future.
Even though we didn’t get the results we were looking for last night, both in our race and in races up and down the ballot across the nation, I could not be prouder of the work that we did — together. That leaves me with one thing to say to you all: thank you.

Thank you for believing in our cause, and supporting me every step of the way. What we did here is important work, and I couldn’t have done it without you.

Before I ran for Congress, I defended your constitutional rights as Legal Director of the ACLU of Virginia, and then turned to healthcare advocacy to fight for my daughter Brooke. I raised awareness for rare diseases, advised Governor Northam AND Governor Youngkin on equity and medical issues and successfully petitioned Congress to set aside federal funding for Rett Syndrome and other rare diseases. Though my campaign for Congress has ended, my work for all Virginians is far from over.

The road ahead may be a difficult one, but you can count on the fact that I’ll be fighting the good fight every step of the way. For my family, for yours, for Virginia, and for the values that we hold dear. There’s still so much left to do.

Leslie Mehta